LTL Listening Sessions:
NMFC Changes Are Coming

The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC)® will change in 2025, and your input is vital. Reimagine LTL Freight Classification with us during our LTL Listening Sessions.

NMFC (1)

Simplifying the Complex.

The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC)® can be confusing and that's why we're making major changes to streamline your experience in classifying LTL freight. The National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) is committed to working with the industry to make the transition smooth. Join us for these listening sessions to learn more.

Why the Change?

The current NMFC system is complex and outdated. This reimagination aims to:

simplify icon - three lines merge into one

Simplify the NMFC

We'll use a standardized approach based on density, handling, stowability, and liability.

user experience icon - three people with a tick

Enhance User Experience

The NMFC will be easier to use and understand.

accuracy icon - paper with badge and magnifying glass

Increase Efficiency

Classifying freight will be more accurate
on the first try.

What's Changing?

We're implementing a phased approach, with the first changes coming in Docket 2025-1. Here's a summary:

  • Standardized density scale for LTL freight with no handling, stowability, and liability issues.
  • Unique identifiers for freight with special handling, stowability, or liability needs.
  • Condensed and modernized commodity listings.
  • Improved usability of the ClassIT classification tool.

How Will This Affect You?

The impact will vary depending on your role in the LTL industry. 

how this will affect you - carriers
how this will affect you - 3PLs
how this will affect you - shippers

How You Can Prepare

Attend your relevant online LTL Listening Session to share your feedback on the new NMFC changes.

You'll also need to spread the message to your audience. Use NMFTA resources to prepare for the upcoming changes.


SESSION FULL—Carriers Only LTL Listening Session


SESSION FULL—3PLs Only LTL Listening Session

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SESSION FULL—Shippers Only LTL Listening Session

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Browse the FAQs below.

Why is the NMFC changing?

The current NMFC system is complex and can be confusing. This reimagination aims to simplify it, improve user experience, increase classification efficiency, and reduce friction between shippers, carriers, and 3PLs.

When are the changes happening?

The changes are being implemented in phases. The first changes will be rolled out in Docket 2025-1 with an effective date of Saturday, May 3, 2025.

How can I stay informed about the changes?

The NMFTA will be hosting listening sessions (Summer 2024) and webinars to provide updates. You can also sign up to our monthly Headline newsletter for important updates. Subscribe Now >

How will the changes simplify the classification process?

A standardized density scale will be used for most freight. This eliminates the need to consider multiple factors in many cases.

What if my NMFC item or class changes?

Yes, your NMFC item number, sub, and freight class may change. The NMFTA will provide resources to help you navigate these changes.

How will these changes impact shipping times or costs?

The ultimate impact on shipping times and costs is difficult to predict at this stage. However, the NMFTA hopes that a more efficient classification system will allow for more precise rates based on actual shipment characteristics.

What happens after Docket 2025-1?

The NMFTA will continue to refine the NMFC system in future dockets. They will focus on freight with specific handling, stowability or liability needs and assign classes based on those unique characteristics.

Will the ClassIT tool be updated?

The ClassIT product will be completely rewritten and relaunched. More information on these improvements will be available closer to the implementation date.

What resources will the NMFTA offer to help with the transition?

The NMFTA will provide a variety of resources, including webinars, guides, and updated interpretations to help users understand and navigate the new NMFC system. Please sign up to our newsletter to stay informed. Subscribe here >

What is the NMFC?

The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC)® is a standardized system in North America that classifies freight for LTL shipping purposes. It simplifies how carriers and shippers determine shipping costs and procedures. For more information on the NMFC, visit today.