Intent to Attend
FCDC Public Meeting
Have your voice heard at the upcoming Freight Classification Development Council (FCDC) meeting about how the proposed NMFC Changes impact you. Complete this form to notify the FCDC of your intent to appear at the upcoming meeting, set for March 3, 2025.
Notice of Intent to Appear at Public Meeting
Please complete the form below if you plan to attend the Freight Classification Development Council (FCDC) Public Meeting at the NMFTA 2025 Spring Meeting.
After completing the form, you will be provided with an attendance time by one of our staff members. If you do not appear at the appointed time, you'll lose the opportunity to appear at the public meeting.
Without an intent to appear in person at the public meeting, the meeting time is subject to change without notice. Please refer to for the NMFTA 2025 Spring Meeting date and location.
If you have any questions or require technical assistance, please contact our staff at 703-838-1810 or

What to Do

Step 1: Complete the Form
Complete the Intent to Attend Form below to notify us of your intent to appear at the FCDC Public Meeting.

Step 2: Share Feedback
Want to provide further explanation on why you want a specific Subject or Item changed? Let us know in advance of the meeting. (Please note this step is not compulsory.)

Step 3: Attend the Meeting
Attend the in-person public meeting and share your thoughts directly with the Freight Classification Development Council (FCDC).