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October 27-29, 2024 | Cleveland, OH

Social Media Copy

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the NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference.  Short on time? Just copy & paste!

Copy for Attendees

Download the "I am Attending!" graphic below.

Option 1

Thrilled to announce I'll be attending the NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland, OH this year! (October 27-29). Looking forward to connecting with cybersecurity professionals from across the industry and staying up-to-date on the latest threats and trends. #NMFTACyber

P.S. If you're also attending, let me know in the comments below! We can connect at the conference.

Don't forget to register if you haven't already! https://bit.ly/4dNLu8R

Option 2

I will be attending the 2024 NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland! Join me and the rest of the trucking community at the industry's only cybersecurity event. October 27-29 – register today at nmftacyber.com/register

Option 3

I just completed my registration and booked my hotel for 2024 #NMFTACyber! Hope to see y'all there October 27-29 – register today at nmftacyber.com/register

Copy for Speakers

Download the "I am Speaking!" graphic below.

Option 1

Excited to be speaking at the NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland, OH this October 27-29! I'll be diving deep into [Your session topic here] and sharing insights to help you stay ahead of the curve in cybersecurity. Join me and fellow industry leaders for a thought-provoking discussion! #NMFTACyber

P.S. Register now to secure your spot at the conference at nmftacyber.com/register

Option 2

I will be speaking at the 2024 NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland on October 27-29! Learn more about my session at nmftacyber.com/schedule. #NMFTACyber

Option 3

I will be speaking at the trucking industry's premier cybersecurity conference! Join me in Cleveland October 27-29 #NMFTACyber nmftacyber.com

Option 4

Eager to learn more about [Your session topic here]? Then you need to be at #NMFTACyber where I’ll be speaking on this and other industry trends. Register to join me October 27-29, Cleveland nmftacyber.com/register

Option 5

Guess who’s speaking at #NMFTACyber?! Register today to join me as I discuss [session topic]. October 27-29, 2024 Cleveland, OH nmftacyber.com/register

Option 6

The 2024 NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference is almost here! #NMFTACyber is your route to cyber resilience. October 27-29 in Cleveland, OH. Catch me in this year’s lineup: nmftacyber.com/schedule

Copy for Sponsors

Download the "We're Sponsoring!" graphic below.

Option 1

[Company Name] is a proud sponsor of the NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland, OH (October 27-29)! We're excited to connect with cybersecurity professionals and showcase how [your company's name] can help you [mention a key benefit your company offers related to cybersecurity]. #NMFTACyber

P.S. Visit our table at the conference to learn more!

Don't forget to register if you haven't already! Register here at nmftacyber.com/register

Option 2

We will be exhibiting at the 2024 Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland! Register now and visit us – learn more at nmftacyber.com

Option 3

We are exhibiting at the trucking industry's only cybersecurity event! Come by our table, and learn more about us nmftacyber.com #NMFTACyber

NMFTA_Logo_White (1)

1001 N Fairfax Street Suite 600, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-1798

(866) 411-6632

#NMFTACyber - Join the Conversation Online

The NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference is owned by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA).